+420 491 841 300
Semi-products and parts made of engineering plastics Polyplasty


PMMA Plexiglass
Material No.: 2610
Density ISO 1183: 1.19 g/cm3
 Mechanical properties    
 Tensile strength  ISO 527  73 Mpa
 Elongation  ISO 527  3.5 %
 E-Modulus of tensile elasticity  ISO 527  3200 MPa
 Brinell Hardness  ISO 2039-1  195 MPa
 Brinell Hardness Number    H961/30
 Shore (A/D) or Rockwell (R/L/M) Hardness  ISO 868, ISO 2039-2  D81
 Charpy notched impact strength at 23 °C  ISO 179/1eA  2.0 KJ/m2
 Electrical properties    
 Permittivity at 50 Hz  IEC 60250  3.7
 Permittivity at 1 MHz  IEC 60250  2.8
 Dielectric loss factor at 50 Hz  IEC 60250  500 1E-4
 Dielectric loss factor at 1 MHz  IEC 60250  200 1E-4
 Specific dielectric resistance  IEC 60093  1015 Ohm · m
 Surface resistance  IEC 60093  1014 Ohm
 Tracking resistance  CTI IEC 60112  600
 Thermal properties    
 Thermal conductivity  DIN 52 612  0.19 W/K m
 Coefficient of transverse expansion, linear  ISO 11359 80  10-6/K
 Melt or vitrification temperature  ISO 11357  110 °C
 Heat distortion resistance A ISO 75HDT/A(1.8 MPa)    95 °C
 Heat distortion resistance A ISO 75HDT/B(0.45 MPa)    100 °C
 Max. short-term temperature    100 °C
 Max. long-term temperature    80 °C
 Min. operating temperature    for °C
 > Other properties    
 Water absorption under regular conditions  ISO 62  0.60 %
 Water absorption in humidity  ISO 62  2.0 %
 Burning behaviour according to UL 94  IEC 60695-11-10  HB
 UL 94 Thickness  1.57 mm  
 Special properties    
 Tensile creep modulus (0.5% 1000 hrs)  ISO 899-1  2200 MPa
 Flexural strength  ISO 178  130 MPa
 Fatigue in flexure ASTM  D671  10 MPa
 Charpy impact strength at 23 °C ISO 179/1eU  20 KJ/m2
 Coefficient of slip creep compared to steel    0.54
 Wear relative to the measured unit    96 (μm/km)/MPa
 Specific heat capacity  IEC 1006  1.50 J/g K
 Vicat softening point B  ISO 306 VST/B/50 (50 N)  103 °C
 LOI Acid index  ISO 4589  17 %